Handcrafted Wooden Treasures
When a loved one is getting married, moving to a new house or celebrating a birthday, there’s no better way to honor the occasion than with handmade wooden gifts—one-of-a-kind pieces as unique as that special person. R L Wood Design detail collection starts with domestic and tropical hardwoods. We combine ancient woodworking skills with hand-held high-tech tools to create art object that serve a function. Our handmade wooden cutting boards will speak volumes about our wood craftsmans. Our keepsake boxes will brighten any household—while reinforcing fond memories of the thoughtful gift-giver. We never make the same thing twice unless there is a special request. The person you give it to will think of you every time they see it or use it.
Finished with a variety of products to enhance the grain as well as provide a high-gloss appearance. Finishing is the most variable and potentially complex part of woodworking. It can easily spend the majority of our time in crafting best finish. Many stages... many products are involved in order to achieve what you see in our final products.
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Subheading 2
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